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Items filtered by date: December 2022

The Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) in the office of the President and Cabinet would like to update the general public on the status of disasters and response operations in the 2022/23 rainfall season.

As of Friday, 23rd December; 2022, disasters; mainly stormy rains, floods, strong winds, halistorms and lightning; have affected 24 councils namely; Balaka, Chikwawa, Chiradzulu, Chitipa, Dedza, Dowa, Karonga, Kasungu, Lilongwe District, Machinga, Mangochi District, Mchinji, Mulanje, Mzimba, Mzuzu City, Neno, Nkhotakota, Nsanje, Ntcheu, Ntchisi, Phalombe, Salima, Thyolo and Zomba District.

Cumulatively, 9,321 households (approximately 41,944 people), have been affected. The death toll has risen from 21 (as reported in our previous update); to 42 this week. Lightning strikes have killed 28 people while 14 died due to collapsed walls following stormy rains and strong winds. So far, 85 people have sustained various degree of injuries. The disasters have also caused damage to roads, schools and hospitals.

Currently, the department has reached out to 8,227 households (approximately 37,021 people and representing 88 per cent of the total number of affected people) with relief assistance which include food and non-food items namely; maize, family tents, housing units, kitchen utensils and plastic sheets for temporary roofing. Provision of relief assistance is on-going and the department will reach out to all the affected people as per the reports from affected councils.

The general public will be duly informed regarding the status of disasters and any related developments.

For more information, please contact the Public Relations Officer, Mr. Chipiliro Raymond Khamula, on +265 (0) 999 043 228, (0) 884 572 844 E-mail; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Issued on the 23rd Day of December, 2022.


Charles Kalemba



Disaster Risk Reduction is Everyone’s Responsibility!


The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services (DCCMS), has issued a severe warning on heavy rains that might trigger the occurrence of flash floods. The heavy rains/ flash floods are expected to affect Chikwawa, Nsanje and other lakeshore areas from 21st to 22 December, 2022. The rains are also expected to be associated with strong winds and lightning.

In view of the foregoing, the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) advises the general public to take the following precautions to save lives:

Immediately move to safer and higher areas if you are living in flood prone areas.

Avoid crossing flooded rivers and walking through running water.

If walking through water is the only option to safety, use a stick to check the firmness of the ground in front of you.

Stay away from power lines and electrical wires and report about fallen power lines to authorities.

Do not attempt to save personal property at the expense of your lives and that of your family.

Do not attempt to move out of your house when strong winds are blowing. Strong winds can blow off roofs and cause serious injuries or deaths.

Stay away from windows and doors to avoid being hit by blown off objects.

If you are driving, slow down. Make sure all windows are closed. High speed winds may cause your car to feel unstable on the road.

Postpone all open space activities if forecast calls for thunderstorms.

Seek enclosed shelter immediately (i.e home, offices, shopping centres classrooms, churches, mosques etc.) when caught out in the open during thunderstorms and avoid seeking refuge under a tree.

Councils and residents should clear all drainage systems to make sure that water is given ample drainage space and avoid flooding.

If you can manage, provide first aid treatment to the injured and those in shock and call for medical help.

Pay attention to daily weather forecast.

Meanwhile, DoDMA has set standby arrangements for the deployment of a search and rescue team comprising the Malawi Defence Force (MDF), the Malawi Police Service and the Marine Department to Lower Shire Districts of Nsanje and Chikwawa.

DoDMA is also airing early warning messages on community and national radio stations to raise awareness on flooding, lightning and strong winds.

For more information, kindly contact DoDMA’s Public Relations Officer, Chipiliro Khamula on 0999 043 228 or 0884 572 844, email, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Issued in Lilongwe on the 22nd Day of December, 2022.

Charles Kalemba


Disaster Risk Reduction is Everyone’s Responsibility!



Nthambi Yoona za Ngozi Zogwa Mwadzidzidzi (DoDMA) ikudziwitsa anthu onse m’dziko muno kuti kutsatira ma lipoti ochokera ku Nthambi Yoona Za Nyengo ndi Kusintha kwa Nyengo, pali chiyembekezo choti mvula yamphamvu igwa mmaboma a Chikwawa ndi Nsanje komanso mmadera a mmbali mwa nyanja zomwe zitha kudzetsa ngozi ya madzi osefukira kuyambira pa 21 mpaka pa 22 December, 2022. Mvulayi ikuyembekezeka kudza ndi mphepo yamkuntho komanso mphenzi.

Pachifukwachi, Nthambiyi ikupempha kuti titsatire malangizo awa kuti tichepetse chiopsezo chokhudzidwa ndi ngozizi:

Tisazengereze, tisakakamire, tiyeni tisamukire mmadera a kumtunda.

Tipewe kuoloka mitsinje yosefukira komanso kuyenda mmadera omwe madzi asefukira.

Ngati palibe njira ina ndipo tikuyenera kuyenda mmadzi kuti titeteze moyo, tiyende mmalo omwe madzi sakuthamanga. Tigwiritse ntchito muyezo kuti tidziwe za kuya kwa malo omwe tikuponda.

Tisayandikire mawaya a magetsi, dziwitsani msanga a ESCOM, amfumu kapena a polisi za mawaya kapena mapolo a magetsi omwe agwa.

Tisathamangire kupulumutsa katundu yemwe akukokoloka ndi madzi, tionetsetse kuti moyo wathu ndi wa ena ngotetezeka.

Tikhale tcheru pomwe mphepo yamkuntho ikuomba, denga ndi zidutswa zitha kutivulaza ngakhalenso kutipha kumene.

Tisakhale moyandikana ndi zitseko komanso mawindo pomwe mphepo yamkuntho ikuomba.

Ngati tikuyendetsa galimoto, tisathamangitse. Tionetsetse kuti mazenera a galimoto yathu ndiwotseka.

Tisabisale pansi pamtengo pamene mvula ikugwa. Izi zimadzetsa chiopsezo chowombedwa ndi mphenzi.

Ngati tingakwanitse, tipereke thandizo loyambilira (first aid) kwa ovulala ndipo tipite nawo kuchipatala mwansanga.

Tionere, kumvera komanso kuwerenga uthenga wa za nyengo kuti tidziwe momwe nyengo ikhalire mdera lathu.

Padakali pano, DoDMA ikuyang’ana mwatcheru za chenjezoli ndipo yadziwitsa kale nthambi zothandiza kupulumutsa anthu pangozi monga Malawi Defence, Malawi Police ndi Marine Department kuti zikhale zokonzeka kukagwira ntchito mmadera omwe ali pachiopsezo chokhudzidwa ndi ngozi ya madzi osefukirayi.

DoDMA ikulengezanso mauthenga a pawailesi omwe akulunjika za mmene anthu angapewere komanso kuchepetsa chiopsezo chokhudzidwa ndi Ngozi za madzi osefukira, mphenzi komanso mphepo yamkuntho.

Ngati mukufuna kudziwa zambiri za izi, imbirani mneneri wa Nthambi Yoona Za Ngozi Zogwa Mwadzidzidzi a Chipiliro Khamula pa 0999 043 228 kapena 0884 572 844.

22 December, 2022.

Charles Kalemba


Disaster Risk Reduction is Everyone’s Responsibility!


The Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) in the office of the President and Cabinet would like to update the general public on the status of disasters and response operations in the 2022/23 rainfall season.

As of Thursday, 15th December; 2022, disasters; mainly stormy rains, strong winds, halistorms and lightning; have affected 23 councils namely; Balaka, Chikwawa, Chiradzulu, Chitipa, Dedza, Dowa, Karonga, Kasungu, Lilongwe District, Machinga, Mangochi District, Mchinji, Mulanje, Mzimba, Mzuzu City, Neno, Nkhotakota, Ntcheu, Ntchisi, Phalombe, Salima, Thyolo and Zomba District.

Cumulatively, 6,934 households (approximately 31,203 people), have been affected. The death toll has risen from 19 (as reported in our previous update); to 21 this week. Lightning strikes have killed 15 people while six died due to collapsed walls following stormy rains). So far, 59 people have sustained various degree of injuries. The disasters have also caused damage to public infrastructure.

Currently, the department has reached out to 5,858 households (approximately 26,361 people and representing 84 per cent of the total number of affected people) with relief assistance which include food and non-food items namely; maize, family tents, housing units, kitchen utensils and plastic sheets for temporary roofing. Provision of relief assistance on-going and the department will reach out to all the affected people as per the reports from affected councils.

The general public will be duly informed regarding the status of disasters and any related developments.

For more information, please contact the Public Relations Officer, Mr. Chipiliro Raymond Khamula, on +265 (0) 999 043 228, (0) 884 572 844 E-mail; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Issued on the 15th Day of December, 2022.

Charles Kalemba



Disaster Risk Reduction is Everyone’s Responsibility!

Pictures detail the provision of relief assistance to affected people

Photo credit: Mulanje District Council


The Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) has provided relief assistance to over 22,000 people affected by disasters since the onset of the rains in the 2022/23 season.

Commissioner for Disaster Management Affairs Charles Kalemba said the department has reached out to 22,662 people with relief items that included maize, family tents, housing units, kitchen utensils and plastic sheets for temporary roofing.

“The figure we have reached out to represents 82 per cent of the total number of affected people. Cumulatively, 27,504 people from 20 councils have been affected [by disasters]. The provision of relief assistance is ongoing and the department will reach out to all the affected as per reports from councils,” said Kalemba.

As of Wednesday, 7th December; 2022, disasters; mainly stormy rains, strong winds and lightning; have affected Balaka, Chikwawa, Chiradzulu, Chitipa, Dedza, Dowa, Lilongwe District, Machinga, Mangochi District, Mchinji, Mulanje, Mzimba, Mzuzu City, Neno, Nkhotakota, Ntcheu, Phalombe, Salima, Thyolo and Zomba District.

A total of 19 people have died [14 due to lightning strikes and five due to collapsed walls following stormy rains]. Fifty-five injuries have been registered. The disasters have also caused damage to public infrastructure, mainly school blocks and health facilities.

Pictures detail provision of relief assistance in some of the affected councils

Photo credit: Relief and Rehabilitation Officers



Hailstorms and stormy rains have destroyed houses and property in some parts of the country rendering some people homeless.

On Thursday afternoon, some districts experienced heavy rains coupled with heavy winds and hailstorms.

Lilongwe is one of the districts that has registered the damage which affected 68 houses in Group Village Heads (GVH) Nyanja, Chioza and Mazinga in Traditional Authority Chiseka.

On Friday, Director of Response and Recovery in the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA), Moses Chimphepo visited the areas to appreciate the extent of damage.

Chimphepo said it was saddening to see the extent of damage caused at the onset of the rainy season fearing that the damage may be huge at the peak of the season.

“Since the seasonal forecast is similar to that of last year, we anticipate some disasters to occur but not as early as this. We still urge people to take precautionary measures as early as possible so that lives are saved,” said Chimphepo.

He said that the department has made arrangements for the provision of relief assistance to affected households as councils are conducting assessments to establish the extent of damage.

Chairperson for Chiseka Area Civil Protection Committee (ACPC), Victor Botomani said one serious injury of a 12 year-old girl from Mazinga has been reported and she is currently receiving treatment at Mitundi Health Centre.

Chimphepo has since advised the ACPC to be vigilant as he observed that some houses were already disasters in waiting and cannot withstand the heavy rains.

“I have seen some houses that were poorly constructed and uncovered wells which pose a threat to many; especially children. I have advised the ACPC to immediately look into the issue so that such things are ironed out as soon as possible.

One of the affected, Ethel Filimoni from GVH Mazinga said the incident happened on Thursday around 4 pm.

Filimoni said she was in her house when she saw the roof of her house blown off and immediately; she sought refuge at a near-by church.

“There was a dark crowd and within a short of period of time, hailstorms were all over.

“As I was trying to figure out my next move, the walls started falling and that’s when I decided to run outside and ended up in a church building,” she said.

Filimoni said she hasn’t recovered anything from her house and she feels so helpless as she cant even locate the iron sheets from her house.

Chimphepo has since assured the affected people that the department will provide relief assistance to the affected people as soon as possible.

So far, Kasungu, Neno, Phalombe, Mangochi, Mulanje, Dedza, Salima and Mchinji have also been affected by the stormy rains, with Mchinji recording two deaths and three injuries.

Pictures detail the extent of damage and Chimphepo's visit in Lilongwe



The governments of Iceland and Norway, through the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) have donated $4.1 million to support food insecure households at the peak of the lean season in Malawi.

The joint contribution comprises of US$3.6 million from Norway and US$500,000 from Iceland responding to the 2022-2023 Lean Season Food Insecurity Response Plan.

According to the Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (MVAC), a total of 3.8 million in 27 districts and four cities will require food assistance ranging from three to five months period starting November 2022 to March 2023.

Speaking in Lilongwe on Wednesday during a signing ceremony of the agreement, WFP Country Director, Paul Turnbull said it was important that they formalize the generous Nordic contribution meant to assist smallholder farmers who have been heavily affected by climate shocks and rising food prices.

Turnbull said the contribution will provide critical humanitarian assistance to some 270,000 people through cash-based transfers in the districts of Balaka and Chikwawa.

“As Malawi continues to suffer the impacts of the global food crises, where the devastating effects of natural disasters have been exacerbated by rising prices of food, energy and fertilizer, in part a result of the conflict in Ukraine, this assistance could not come at a more opportune time” said Turnbull.

He said that the damage left by floods earlier this year coupled with lingering impacts of Covid-19 among others will further compromise food security in the short and longer terms.

“Increasing collaboration and strengthening existing partnerships such as the one we see here today between WFP, the Government and the donor community will be paramount. Only together we will be able to increase food security and enhance overall resilience in a meaningful and more sustainable manner” he said.

He commended the governments of Norway and Iceland for their commitment to ensuring the food security of the most vulnerable during the exceptionally difficult season.

On her part, the Nowergian Ambassodor Ingrid Mikelsen said she was happy to sign the agreement between WFP, Malawi and the Royal Norwegian Embassy for the support to the lean season response.

Mikelsen said this is the second time the embassy gets involved in the Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP).

She said the SCTP has been very effective and successful in reaching the poorest households, giving people themselves the power to make their own decision on how to use the cash, trusting they best know what should be given priority and also at the same time not bypassing the market system.

“The social cash transfer programme has been targeting the poorest of the rural poor. The poor harvest caused by the floods has shown the need to expand the support for up to 5 months in some areas.

“The Norwegian Embassy is therefore pleased that we have been able to reallocate funds to support the Governments lean season food insecurity response plan, through the World Food Programme with cash-transfers to the most vulnerable households in Balaka, Phalombe and Chikwawa” said Mikelsen.

She said that more than 80 000 households will receive cash for up to 5 months enabling them to cover their basic needs.

In her remarks, Head of Mission of Iceland in Malawi, Inga Petursdottir said Iceland remains steadfast in its support to vulnerable Malawians at risk of hunger.

Petursdottir said it was their first time responding to LSFI-RP acknowledging that the increasing risk of climatic shocks worsens a vicious cycle of food insecurity.

“Which is why Iceland partnered with WFP to help vulnerable families to mitigate and manage the impacts of these shocks,” she said.

Director of Response and Recovery in the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA), Rev. Moses Chimphepo thanked WFP and the Governments of Norway and Iceland for the kind gesture.

Chimphepo said that the government of Malawi is grateful for their contribution to the 2022-23 lean season response.

“The support will ensure less Malawians go hungry and that government can focus on its development goals," said Chimphepo.


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